Mein Hair

My new chemo-do is best described by my husband’s new nickname for me, “My Little Peach.” I am fuzzy.

Kat Caverly and Thomas Hudson Reeve in Mein Hair October 8, 2013

Tom has always encouraged a total freedom when it came to my hair. The truth is, he has always supported whatever I wanted to do creatively, and I have stretched that tolerance and support every which way but loose.

But this is not just a story about my lifelong love affair with hair, his as well as my own. This is a tribute to the skills I draw from, the laughter I depend on, and the love that gives me the strength to do whatever needs to be done.

Meet Mein Hair. Ours is a match made in heaven, with a little devil on the side. To know Tom is to love him. To work with him is to respect him. I’ve enjoyed the pleasure of both. I have enjoyed visiting him on almost all the sets in his IMDb profile. He is an accomplished fine-art photographer, and the director/screenwriter for our company NoEvil Productions. He is my superman. After all, he is a Reeve.

My fundraiser, Clown Descending a Muybridge has already bought me some extra time with my beloved at a time I need him most. You see, he is usually working 13-15 hours a day on productions taking him away five days out of every week. I have faced this cancer treatment beast mostly alone so far, but never by myself.

So before he starts another new TV series, The Black Box, he decided to be at home with me for a few weeks. It has been better than any vacation. And I have the photos to prove it!

Give Me a Head of Hair

down to there hair

up to here hair



barely there hair





cut short

buzzed, shaved

or someone else’s hair

give me a head of hair


Now read this


Kat Caverly, Self-Portrait February 8, 2014 The first time I heard that Jack Johnson song was the week before my first radiation treatment. I walk the 1.01 miles to Ulster Radiation, and as I walk I believe “every part of the dream.” I... Continue →