I’m Too Sexy for My Hair

Too sexy for my hair

Too sexy for my hair

Kat Caverly, self-portrait, October 20, 2013

I’m too sexy for my hat

Too sexy for my hat

What you think about that?

Kat Caverly, self-portrait, October 20, 2013

I’m a patient

You know what I mean

And I do my little turns with the Chemo

Yeah, with the Chemo

With the Chemo, yeah

I take my little turns with the Chemo

Kat Caverly, self-portrait, October 20, 2013

Too sexy for my hair

Too sexy for my hair

Too sexy for my hair

Too sexy for my hair

I am beginning to really love being bald.


Now read this


Kat Caverly, Self-Portrait February 8, 2014 The first time I heard that Jack Johnson song was the week before my first radiation treatment. I walk the 1.01 miles to Ulster Radiation, and as I walk I believe “every part of the dream.” I... Continue →